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Editor Name: Stephen M. Ghogomu

Designation: Associate Professor

University: University of Buea

Country: Cameroon


Dr. Ghogomu M. Stephen is a lecturer of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology and head of the Molecular and Cell Biology Laboratory of the Biotechnology Unit, Faculty of Science. He runs a research and development project on strengthening the Onchocerciasis (River blindness) elimination program in Cameroon. Dr. ghogomu is the South Coordinator of the project while Pr. Jacob Souopgui is the North coordinator. Dr. ghogomu is also interested in the use of molecular biology techniques in the transcriptional and metabolic regulation of non communicable disease pathways. Diseases targeted are hypertension, diabetes and cancer. 
Research Interests: My Laboratory is interested in using proteomics approaches to search for efficient drug targets, sensitive diagnostics, potential vaccine candidates against these diseases. 

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Quality Check
Peer Review
Editor's Decision