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Editor Name: Stefania Moioli
Designation: Assistant Professor
University: Politecnico of Milano
Country: Italy
Biography: Stefania Moioliis assistant
professorat Dipartimento di Chimica, Materiali e Ingegneria Chimica “G. Natta”
of Politecnico di Milano. She is member of the “Group on Advanced Separation
Processes & Gas Processing - GASP”, in which she studies natural gas
processing, with focus on the purification of acid gases, regarding in
particular both thermodynamics and mass transfer with reaction modeling. Her
research interests cover thermodynamics, kinetic modeling and steady
state/dynamic process simulation. Stefania Moioli
graduated magna cum laude in Chemical
Engineering and she obtained a cum laude
PhD degree in Industrial Chemistry and Chemical Engineering at Politecnico di
Milano, earned defending the thesis entitled “Simulation of the Gas
Purification Process with Aqueous Solutions of Amines”. She focused her
post-doctoral research on purification processes, by obtaining two post-doctoral
grants and in 2016 she spent six months at The University of Sydney, working on
acid gas removal by chemical solvents with precipitating salts. Since
2010 she has been teaching assistant for courses in the field of the Unit
Operations for Chemical Plants at Politecnico di Milano, where since 2014 she
is in charge of the course “Process Plants”. She is first
author and co-author of several papers published on peer-reviewed international
scientific journals and she has presented results of her research activity at
international conferences in the field of chemical engineering. She is also a
reviewer for papers submitted to international scientific journals. In 2015
she was awarded with the Endeavour
Research Fellowship 2016 Round, a prestigious programme offered by the
Australian Government to support high-achieving professionals to undertake
research in Australia.