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Editor Name: Siamak Hoseinzadeh

Designation: Assistant Professor

University: IAU of Tehran

Country: South Africa

Biography: Dr. Siamak Hosseinzadeh currentky working as Assistant Professor at IAU of Tehran from 2014 to 2018. Research Interests 

Renewable Energy, Energy-Efficiency, Green and Solar Energy, Exergy, Power Plant. 
 [1].Hoseinzadeh, S., & Azadi R. J., Simulation and optimization of a solar-assisted heating and cooling system for a house in Northern of Iran. J. Renewable Sustainable Energy, 9: 4. 045101 (2017); [2]. Yousef Nezhad M. E. & Hoseinzadeh, S., Mathematical Simulation and Optimization of a Solar Water Heater for an Aviculture Unit Using MATLAB/SIMULINK, J. Renewable Sustainable Energy, 9: 6, 063702 (2017); [3]. Hoseinzadeh, S., Zakeri, M. H., Shirkhani, A., and Chamkha, A. J. Analysis of energy consumption improvements of a zero-energy building in a humid mountainous area., J. Renewable Sustainable Energy, 11, 015103 (2019);

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Editor Name: Siamak Hoseinzadeh

Designation: Researcher

University: University of Pretoria

Country: South Africa

Biography: Siamak Hoseinzadeh is a Researcher at University of Pretoria, South Africa.

Research Interests:

● Green House, Zero Energy, Smart Window and Nanotechnology
● Thermal Engineering, Radiation
● Renewable energy, Solar Energy
● Smart Material and Devises, Electrochromic and Thermochromic Devises

Publication Cycle →

Quality Check
Peer Review
Editor's Decision