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Editor Name: Seema Rai

Designation: Assistant Professor

University: Guru Gobind Singh Medical College

Country: India


Dr. Seema Rai is an Assistant Professor at Guru Gobind Singh Medical College Faridkot.
1. Rai S, Kaur S , Hamid A, Shobha P Association of dermal icterus with serum bilirubin in newborns weighing <2000 gms. Int.J. scienc. study (2015) 3(7): 65-69
2. Rai S, Kaur S, Hamid A. Changes in serum calcium and serum glucose levels in asphyxiated SGA newborns. J of evolution of med and Dent SCI 2015; 4(77):13411-13416 
3. Rai S, Kaur k, Kaur S. Effect of birth asphyxia on serum calcium and glucose level. Int J Scie Study 2015; 3(7):3-6.
4. Rai S, Singh N. Renal status (BU, UO) in birth asphyxia.  International journal of contemporary medical research.2016; 3(5):1428-30.

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