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Sarhan Rashid Sarhan - Editor

Journal of Novel Drug Research

Editor Name: Sarhan Rashid Sarhan

Designation: Assistant Professor

University: Baghdad University

Country: Iraq

Biography: Dr. Sarhan Rashid Sarhan is an Assistant Professor. He is a Graduate of Veterinary Medicine and Surgery (Baghdad University, College Of Veterinary Medicine and Surgery, Iraq) 2005. He did a Master’s in Veterinary Pharmacology (same Academy, 2011) and Ph. D in Bacterial resistance from Same College, Iraq, 2016. He was a Lecturer for Veterinary Colleg, University of Wasit, Iraq, 2012-2013 and Rapporteur of Physiology and Pharmacology Department, Wasit, Iraq, 2013-2014. He served as Head of the Division of Head of Anatomy and Histology, Wasit, Iraq 2017-2019. He was an Assistant Professor in the master's programs of Biological Sciences. The University of Wasit, Iraq. From 2019 until the present, he is an Assistant Professor, Department of Basic Sciences, College of Dentistry in Wasit University.

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Quality Check
Peer Review
Editor's Decision