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Sameh Mohamed Farouk - Editor

Journal of Molecular Biology

Editor Name: Sameh Mohamed Farouk

Designation: Assistant Professor

University: Suez Canal University,

Country: Egypt

Biography: I have my initial education in Faculty of Veterinary Medicine, Suez Canal University, Ismailia, Egypt, where i received the B.V.M.Sc (2004). I studied Cytology and Histology at the previous-mentioned institute, as well as I'm interested in the field of embryology and molecular developmental biology; so far I have got my M.V.Sc (2008) and Ph.D (2012) with a research focus epitheliomesenchymal interaction playing role in prenatal development of the kidney and uterovaginal tract in one-humped camel. Moreover, I'm awarded a postdoctoral fellowship and work as a visiting scientist at Molecular Neuroscience Research Center, Shiga University of Medical Science, Japan, 2014.

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