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Editor Name: Safaa ELMeneza

Designation: Professor

University: ALAzhar University

Country: Egypt

Biography: Safaa ELMeneza has received his/her Doctorate degree from ALAzhar University in the field of Pediatrics Currently, he/she is working as Professor of pediatrics in Faculty of Medicine for Girls , ALAzhar University ,board member of Egyptian neonatology fellowship , principal investigator of project Egyptian Neonatal safety training network and member in scientific committee of promotion of faculty staff of ALAzhar U.She has successfully completed her administrative responsibilities as Vice Dean. She got also diploma degree in total quality management of health care, medical education and infection control as well as certificate in E-learning. Her primary research interests include Neonatology, quality, safety and Medical education. She has received several awards and honors, such as: best research 2000 Critical care pediatrics congress, Medicalsyndicates,Faculty of Medicine, ENNT. She spent 8 months in Case Western Reserve University as fellow in Geographical Medicine department .She participated in international multi -central researches as RESAIR2

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Quality Check
Peer Review
Editor's Decision