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Rosy Joshi-Mukherjee - Editor

Journal of Cardiology

Editor Name: Rosy Joshi-Mukherjee

Designation: Research Scientist

University: Aurora Research Institute

Country: USA

Biography: He have astrong background in cardiac biology, with specific training and expertise in induced pluripotent stem cell. My academic and scientific pursuits are focused on understanding cardiac cell development and biology of aging heart. To facilitate the realization of this long term goal, I implement innovative strategies and state of the art induced pluripotent stem cell technology. At Aurora Research Institute I established induced pluripotent stem cell program and developed miniature human heart models for action potential and calcium transient measurements relevant to cardiotoxicity and aging. The work was recently presented at Gordon Research Conference on "Cardiac Arrhythmia Mechanisms", 2017. As a postdoctoral fellow at Johns Hopkins, I developed human induced pluripotent stem cell(hiPSC) lines from patient harboring mutations associated with long QT 2 and 3 syndromes. Employed in-vitroheart model from hiPSC derived cardiomyocytes (iPS-CMs) to investigate the mechanismscontributing to arrhythmia and the results were presented at CVRC Special Seminar, Brown UniversityAPR 22, 2015. 

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