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Editor Name: Roberto Oscar Aquilano

Designation: Professor

University: Institute of Physics of Rosario (IFIR)

Country: Argentina


Roberto Oscar Aquilano has a PhD in Astronomy from the School of Astronomical and
Geophysical Sciences at Universidad Nacional de La Plata, Argentina. Currently, he is a
researcher at the National Scientific and Technical Research Board (Consejo Nacional de
Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas, CONICET); Professor at the School of Exact Science,
Engineering and Surveying at Universidad Nacional de Rosario; Under Secretary for the
Promotion of Science and Social Appropiation of Ministry of Science, Technology and
Productive Innovation of Santa Fe, Argentina and Member of Executive Board of the Agency of
the same Ministry, Member of Federal Council for Science and Technology (COFECYT) and
Member of the Advisory Committee on Astronomy and the Universe of the Ministry of Science,
Technology and Productive Innovation of Argentina.
He has an extensive background as a scientist and an administrator of science. He has acted
as Director of the Astronomical Observatory, Planetarium and Experimental Science Museum
Complex of Rosario, Argentina.
He has published over 100 scientific papers in national and international journals of his specialty
Among the perks he has received numerous awards and honors, such as Life Changers Awards
2011 received in London, having been declared Man of the Year 2011 by TV Litoral SA ,
distinguished by the Honorable Senate of Argentina in 2012 and the Gold Medal of the Ministry
Education of the Nation. He has been declared "Outstanding Citizen" of the city of Casilda
(Argentina) and nominated for several international awards (Stockholm , Washington, etc.)

Publication Cycle →

Quality Check
Peer Review
Editor's Decision