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Editor Name: Robert Clegg

Designation: Associate Professor

University: California Health Sciences University, College of Pharmacy

Country: USA

Biography: My name is Dr. Robert Clegg. Professionally, I am an Associate Professor of Administrative Sciences in the College of Pharmacy at California Health Sciences University (CHSU).  Aside from my work at CHSU, I am a Certified Core Faculty Member for the College of Health and Human Services at National University where I teach a vast array of online health administration, public health and allied health courses for baccalaureate and masters-level students. Previously, I was the Lead Faculty Area Chair (LFAC)/Certified Faculty Member for the College of Health Sciences/Nursing at the University of Phoenix – Central Valley Campus. Prior to my academic career, I spent nearly a decade as the Risk Manager at a large acute care hospital in Fresno and proudly served in the United States Navy for nearly 16 years.

Publication Cycle →

Quality Check
Peer Review
Editor's Decision