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Ricardo Rodrigues Figueiredo - Editor

Journal of Otorhinolaryngology

Editor Name: Ricardo Rodrigues Figueiredo

Designation: Associate Professor

University: Valencia Medical School

Country: Brazil

Biography: Graduate in MEDICINE Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro (1990), Master of Medicine (General Surgery) from the Federal University of Rio de Janeiro (2006), PhD in Medicine (Otorhinolaryngology), Federal University of São Paulo (2015) and residence -medicapela Federal University of Rio de Janeiro (1993). He is currently a doctor of the South Fluminense Otorhinolaryngology, Archives journal Reviewer Doctors ABC, duty doctor ORL (guard) of Resende Emergency Hospital, ENT of Retirees and Pensioners of Volta Redonda Association, Chartered journal the Journal of the Society ENT of Rio de Janeiro, Associate professor and Head of the Higher Valencia Education Center of the ENT Service, Member of the editorial board of ORL SOCIETY jOURNAL oF RIO dE JANEIRO STATE, journal Reviewer of the Laryngoscope, body Member the editorial of Valencia Medical School, doctoral student of Federal University of São Paulo, journal Reviewer of the Plos One journal and Reviewer of the European Journal of Radiology.

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