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Editor Name: Ram Shanmugam

Designation: Honorary Professor

University: Texas State University

Country: USA

Biography: Ramalingam Shanmugam received Ph.D. degree in statistics from the Business School at Temple University. Since 2016, he is honored as an honorary professor of international studies in the School of Health Administration at Texas State University. He is passionate about motivating and teaching students on how to critically think and efficiently function. For his innovative and exciting teaching, his undergraduate students nominated Ram Shanmugam to the Honor Society of Phi Kappa Phi. Ram Shanmugam has published over 140 research articles in frontline national and international journals. In 1984, Ram was elected to be a fellow of the International Statistical Institute. His research and teaching interests include data envelopment analysis, multivariate data collection and analysis, decision making in healthcare, probability modeling of emerging diseases, refining diagnostic methodologies, and modeling cyber security issues among others.

Publication Cycle →

Quality Check
Peer Review
Editor's Decision