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Editor Name: Prabhu Balan

Designation: Research Officer

University: Massey University

Country: New Zealand


Dr Balan is an experienced researcher with a broad background encompassing pharmacy, pharmacology, nutrition and meat biochemistry.  
He completed his PhD (Nutrition) at Massey University on Effects of orally administered ovine serum immunoglobulin in the normal and Salmonella enteritidis– challenged growing rat.  This built on his MSc (Immunopharmacology) from University of Strathclyde (Glasgow) in the UK and a M.Pharm and B.Pharm from the Tamil Nadu Dr MGR Medical University in India
Prior to taking his current role, Dr Balan spent 3 years working for a NZ Government Research Centre, AgResearch, as part of their Food and Bio-based Products team. He has published in excess of 30 scientific works including patents, peer reviewed scientific publications, external and internal reports.
As part of his Research Officer position Dr Balan, is currently supervising three Alpha-Massey Natural Nutraceuticals Research Centre funded PhD projects.Apart from this, Dr Balan is also working on probiotics, antioxidants, anti-ageing and sleep research works.

Publication Cycle →

Quality Check
Peer Review
Editor's Decision