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Editor Name: Pirri Candido Fabrizio

Designation: Professor

University: Polytechnic University of Turin

Country: Italy


Full Professor of Physics of Matter at Politecnico di Torino.

* From 1997 to 2002  he was member Executive Board of National Institute for Physics of Matter – Division Semiconductors and Insulators.

* In 1997 he established the Interdepartmental Lab for the study of Materials and Devices for Electronics (LIMADEL) at the Polytechnic of Turin with the aim of research in the field of growth technologies and characterization of thin films for Electronics.

*   Since 1997 he was Unit Responsible of several ASI projects.

* Since 1997 he was responsible for the Unity of several PRIN projects (MIUR) in the field of materials and micro- and nano-technologies

* Since 1997 he was tutor of several Young Researchers and PhD students supported by national and international Agencies.

In 1999 he was the founder of the Materials and Microsystems Labs (CHI-LAB) of Politecnico di Torino. He is responsible of the Lab with a Research Staff working in the field of micro-technologies and nano-science (

*  Since 1999 he was responsible of European projects in the field of semiconductor materials and micro- and nano-technologies

* Since 1999 he is responsible for a research group of more than 45 people working in the field of micro- and nano-science at the “Materials and Microsystems Labs.” of the Polytechnic of Turin and in the LATEMAR Labs. of Polytechnic of Turin..

* Since 1999 he is vice-president of “Demichelis Foundation” focused on the creation of grants for Young Researchers operating in semiconductors and nanotechnologies field.

* Since 2002 he was coordinator of National Projects: FISR (Fondo Integrativo Speciale per la Ricerca), FIRB (Fondo Integrativo per la Ricerca di Base) and PRIN (Progetti di Ricerca di Interesse Nazionale) projects.

Since 2003 he is Coordinator, for the Polytechnic of Turin, of the International Master of Science in Micro and Nanotechnologies for Integrated Systems (POLITO, INP Grenoble, EPF Losanne:
* Since 2004 he was member of “Evaluation Board” for  Industrial and Scientific Projects of the Italian Ministry of Research (MIUR) and Italian Ministry of Industry (MAP).

* Since 2004 he is member of “Scientific Committee” of NANOFORUM ITALY ( and NanotechItaly ( ).

* In 2005/2006 - National Coordinator of the Project funded by MIUR-PRIN: “Nano-biosensors obtined with micro-electro-mechanical technology for genomic and proteomic analysis” .

* In 2004/2005 - Coordinator of the Project funded by Regione Piemonte call 2004: “NEMS and MEMS biosensors for genomic, proteomic and molecular analysis” .

* Since 2005 he is Coordinator of the FIRB Project “LAboratorio di Tecnologie Elettrobiochimiche Miniaturizzate per l'Analisi e la Ricerca (LATEMAR;”, for the realization at the Polytechnic of Turin of a National Center of Excellence for micro- and nano-technologies applied to genomics, proteomics and biotechnologies. The project has been financed with a grant of 9.868.000 Euro.

* Since 2005 he is consultant of Regione Piemonte Investment Agency for nanotechnological industrial activities.

* In 2005 he was appointed by MIUR as a member of “Evaluation Board” of  “Veneto Nanotech” Technological District.

* In 2006 he was appointed as a member of “Scientific Board” of Industrial Consorzio “RUVARIS”.

* In 2006   Regione Emilia Romagna appointed him as member of “Evaluation Board” for Research and Industrial Transfer Regional Projects.

Scientific interests:

-          Nanotechnologies applied to biological systems (in particular sensors, lab on chip and organ on chip)

-          Micro and nanodevices for energy and environment

-          Micro and nanotechnologies for smart manufacturing

-          Graphene and 2D materials for energy, bioenergy and environment (solar cells, supercapacitors, microbial fuel cells)

-          Nanotechnologies for oil&gas applications

-          Nanomaterials and nanostructures for CO2 trapping and reduction

-          Multifunctional nanocomposites for 3D printing


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