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Editor Name: Ozlem Ates

Designation: Assistant Professor

University: Nisantasi University

Country: Turkey


Dr.ozlem ates duru recived Doctor of Philosphy Degree in Chemical Engineering from Marmara University, Institute for Graduated Studies in Pure and Applied Sciences in 2006-2013.master of sience in marmara university 2003-2006.currently working as a Asisstant Professor in Department of Medical Services and Techniques, Vocational School, Nisantasi University.


Research interests:Fermentation Technologies and Modeling,Identification of microorganisms,Biotechnology,Enzyme production and optimization,Biopolymer production, Biochemical engineering,Systems Biology,Genomics,Proteomics,Network Analysis,Bioethanol production.MicrobiologyPolymer modification and characterizationExtremophiles,Functional Foods.


Publication Cycle →

Quality Check
Peer Review
Editor's Decision