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Editor Name: Omar Chaalal

Designation: Associate Professor

University: Abu Dhabi University

Country: United Arab Emirates


Dr Hongwei Wu joined University of Hertfordshire as a Senior Lecturer in the School of Engineering and Technology since Jan. 2017. He is a Chartered Engineering (CEng), Member of IMechE and Fellow of the Higher Education Academy. Dr Wu received his BEng (1st Class Honours, 1998), MSc (Distinction, 2000) and joint PhD (2004, with Hongkong University of Science and Technology) with specialisation in Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering (Thermofluids) all from Beihang University (formerly Beijing University of Aeronautics and Astronautics). He has an academic/research profile previously developed at Northumbria University (Senior Lecturer, 2015-2017), University of the West of Scotland (Lecturer, 2013-2015), Birmingham University (Research Fellow, 2012-2013) and Brunel University London (Research Fellow, 2009-2012) in UK, Beihang University in China (Associate Professor, 2007-2009), as well as University of British Columbia & University of Alberta in Canada (Postdoc, 2004-2007). His research has been focused on Thermofluid Modelling/Simulation and experimental study for Energy & Flow Physics. His research activities have been supported by Royal Society, EPSRC, European Commission, etc. He has an international profile with more than 90 journal and conference publications in his academic career, including top journals such as Applied Energy, Applied Thermal Engineering, Fuel, International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer etc. He has been a regular reviewer of many leading journals and serves as Editor/Editorial Board Members of several International Journals. He also serves as general Chair and session Chair/co-Chair, TPC members at a number of International Conferences. He is currently an EPSRC Peer Review College Associate Member and regular reviewer for EPSRC proposals.


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