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Editor Name: Nuno Domingues

Designation: Adjunt Professor

University: Higher Institute of Engineering of Lisbon

Country: Portugal


Nuno A. S. Domingues, Pós Doc in Electrical Engineering and Computer Science from IST (2020), PhD in Electrical Engineering and Computer Science from FCT-UNL (2015), Master in Electrical Engineering and Computer Science from IST (2008), Undergraduate (5-year) degree in Electrical Engineering from ISEL (2005).
His topics of research include electricity markets modelling and simulation, energy systems, SCADA and DSS, decision making, intelligent optimization, evolutionary algorithms, machine learning, sustainability, efficiency, clean technologies, mobility and transport, sustainable consumption, e-learning, science communication, education and regulation. 
He is a Professor in ISEL. Among other certifications, he has the diploma on Problem Based Learning and Excelence on Teaching and Learning by UNESCO.

Publication Cycle →

Quality Check
Peer Review
Editor's Decision