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Neskoromnykh Vyacheslav V - Editor

Journal of Petrochemistry and Research

Editor Name: Neskoromnykh Vyacheslav V

Designation: Professor

University: Siberian Federal University

Country: Russia


Neskoromnykh Vyacheslav V., was born on October 10, 1958 in Siberia,  graduated from the Irkutsk polytechnical institute. I professor the department of drilling of oil and gas wells and the head of the department of technology and technics of investigation of mineral deposits at the Siberian federal university, the city of Krasnoyarsk.

Scientific interests: technologies of drilling of wells;  destruction of rocks on drilling and curvature of wells; the directed drilling of wells; influence of anisotropy of rocks on drilling and curvature of wells; methodology of engineering creativity and invention.

Publication Cycle →

Quality Check
Peer Review
Editor's Decision