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Nawal Maria Boukli - Editor

Journal of Novel Drug Research

Editor Name: Nawal Maria Boukli

Designation: Associate Professor

University: Universidad Central del Caribe

Country: USA


 Y. Peng Loh, Ph.D., Adviser (2003-2009)
Research: Cellular, biophysical, and biochemical study of secretory vesicle transport on
microtubules and F-actin in the regulated secretory pathway in neuroendocrine,
endocrine, and neuronal systems
Trina Schroer, Ph.D., Adviser (1999-2003)
Research: Biochemical, biophysical, and cell biological studies of cargoes of dynactin,
an activator of microtubule motors
Michael McCaffery, Adviser (2001)
Conventional and cryoimmuno-electron microscopy
Beverly Wendland, Ph.D., Adviser (1999)
Yeast genetic study about Pan1p crucial for endocytosis and actin organizationoscopies

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Quality Check
Peer Review
Editor's Decision