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Editor Name: Naveeta Kumari

Designation: Associate Researcher

University: Deakin university

Country: Australia

Biography: Naveeta Kumari is a Associate Research Fellow at Deakin university, Australia.

Research Interests:
Synthesis and characterization of textile fibres and their application in smart textile, Synthesis, characterization, surface modification, and catalytic applications of nanoparticles, particularly, PCL loaded and unloaded nanoparticles; and for comfort improvement of textile fabrics. Morphologically or dimensionally controlled preparation, characterization and Application of novel nanomaterial’s, Designing of different types of nanoparticles at low cost and high efficiency and composite nanostructures and exploring their applications in pharmaceuticals and textiles at nanoscale, Fabric functionalization and antimicrobial and superhydrobhoic fabrics.

Publication Cycle →

Quality Check
Peer Review
Editor's Decision