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Naresh Ranjith - Editor

Journal of Cardiology

Editor Name: Naresh Ranjith

Designation: Professor

University: University of KwaZulu-Natal

Country: South Africa


Prof N Ranjith 

1] Schooled at Merebank High, currently in private practice at the Cardiovascular Centre in Merebank and at City Hospital JMH holdings.
2] Part time at Nelson R Mandela School of Medicine, Professor in Cardiology-teach both under and post graduate students 
3] Fellow of the European Society of Cardiology and European Society of Heart Failure
4] Secretary of the South African Heart Failure Society, and steering committee of the South African Hypertension Society.
5] On numerous advisory boards and editorial boards of many international journals and a member of various international cardiac societies 
6] Involved in research both nationally and internationally in the field of cardiology and have published over a 100 papers in this area. 
7] Now concentrating on preventing heart disease both at a primary and secondary level in our committee 
8] Current project is setting up a heart failure centre at City Hospital, which is a first in KZN

Publication Cycle →

Quality Check
Peer Review
Editor's Decision