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Editor Name: Muazzez Comert Acar

Designation: Lecturer and Researcher

University: Ege University

Country: Turkey

Biography: I graduated from Ankara University, Agriculture Faculty Animal Science Department. I did my Master of Science and PhD (Doctor of Sciences in the scientific field of Ruminant Nutrition) in Ege University of Natural and Applied Sciences. I have been working as a lecturer and researcher in Ege University since 2000. Also, I have been working on Advisory Board of Ecological Agriculture Organisation Association since 2010.I am member of Ege University Animal Science Associate and Animal Nutrition Science Associate more than 10 years. I joined the IFOAM (International Federation of Organic Agriculture Movements) Animal Husbandry Alliance steering committee in 2014.  My fields of scientific interest include feed/forage evaluation techniques, feed protein value, ruminant nutrition, and the principles of organic livestock production, ration formulation for ruminants, organic poultry nutrition, organic chick meat quality, the essential oils in animal nutrition, sustainability and environment in organic livestock. On these topics, I have published 1 book, 2 book chapters, nearly 30 papers in national and international journals and more than 60 presentations in national and international conferences, workshops, courses and symposia. I have also acted as a guest editor the newsletter of the IFOAM Animal Husbandry Alliance(IAHA) published by the International Federation ofOrganic Agriculture Movements (IFOAM), Bonn/ Germany, and the Research Institute of OrganicAgriculture (FiBL), Frick/ Switzerland. 


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