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Editor Name: Mohsen Ayoobi

Designation: Assistant Professor

University: Wayne State University

Country: USA


Mohsen Ayoobi currently working as Assistant Professor from 2016 to present in the Division of Engineering Technology at Wayne State University.
Research Interests
Computational reactive flow physics
Fuel reforming, Syngas combustion characteristics, Alternative fuels, Low-emission combustion
Flame instabilities and dynamics, Flame behavior at small scale geometries
Engineering Education Research
Industrial Experiences
Simulation Engineer (CAE - CFD), EcoMotors – Allen Park, MI (05/2015 – 08/2016)
Analyzing OPOC engine heat transfer analysis via advanced CFD tools.
Supporting lab experiments for engine failure root cause analysis.
Conducting engine energy balance analysis.
Research Engineer, Arshehkar Co. – Isfahan, Iran (05/2008 – 12/2008)
Performed numerical simulations to estimate and optimize the efficiency of products.

Publication Cycle →

Quality Check
Peer Review
Editor's Decision