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Mohammed Radef Dawood - Editor

Journal of Otorhinolaryngology

Editor Name: Mohammed Radef Dawood

Designation: Assistant Professor

University: Mustansiriyah University

Country: Iraq


His research interest:

Medicine, Otorhinolaryngology, Laryngology, Otology, nasal pathology, Audiology.

Academic Experience:

  1. ENT clinical practice involvement since 1994.
  2. More than 23 years of undergraduate and more than 10 years postgraduate teaching and supervision experience.
  3. Heading ENT department, Medical College, Mustansiriyah University since 2014.
  4. Attended more than 20 ENT workshops and conferences.
  5. Life member of Iraqi association of otolaryngologist.
  6. Life member of Iraqi medical association.

Publication Cycle →

Quality Check
Peer Review
Editor's Decision