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Editor Name: Mohammad Rahimi-Gorji

Designation: Researcher

University: Ghent University

Country: Belgium

Biography: Mohammad Rahimi-Gorji has received his degrees in BobolNoshirvani University of Technology and Iran University of Science and Technology. He is working in Experimental Surgery Lab- Department of Surgery and Biofluid, Tissue and Solid Mechanics for Medical Applications Lab, Ghent University, Ghent, Belgium. He is  a Biomedical and Mechanical Engineer with specializing in experimental and computational Fluid analysis and has strong knowledge of Cancer and Tumor Research, Targeted Drug Delivery, IntraPritoneal Drug Delivery, Chemotherapy, Fluid Mechanics specially Respiratory fluid mechanicsand Nanofluids and applying computational fluid dynamics (CFD) simulation in a wide range of mechanical and biomedical engineering projects. He has published some valuable papers in prestigious ISI journals.

Research Interest:
Computational Fluid Dynamic (CFD) / Numerical Simulation
Biomedical Engineering / Cancer and Tumor Research / Targeted Drug Delivery / Aerosol Deposition
Heat Transfer/ Fluid Mechanics / Nano-fluids / Analytical Method / Approximation Solution

Publication Cycle →

Quality Check
Peer Review
Editor's Decision