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Editor Name: Mohamed El-sayed Ali

Designation: Professor

University: King Saud University

Country: Saudi Arabia


Mohamed El-sayed Ali currently working as professor at King Saud University.
Research Interests:
Teaching and Research in Thermal Fluid Sciences, area of Heat Transfer, Fluid Mechanics, Stability of Fluids, and Thermodynamics. The research field of interest includes: experimental, numerical and semi-analytical in the area of natural and forced convection heat transfer and nanofluids heat transfer. Thermal insulation and natural fibers.
Honors and Awards:
- Editor of King Saud University Journal (Engineering Sciences), 2012- Now.
- Editorial Board Member for Journal of Mechanics Engineering and Automation, 2016- Now
- Certificate of appreciation and receiving an excellent researcher award from the college of engineering at King Saud University for excellence in scientific research for the year 2016- 2017.

Publication Cycle →

Quality Check
Peer Review
Editor's Decision