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Editor Name: Mevlüt Emekci

Designation: Professor

University: Ankara University

Country: Turkey

Biography: Mevlut Emekci is a full professor at the Department of Plant Protection of the Faculty of Agriculture of Ankara University (Turkey). Dr.Emekci received his M.Sc. and in Entomology from Ankara University in 1997 and 2004, respectively. As a visiting researcher, he had been at the Department of Stored Products(Volcani Center-ARO, Bet-Dagan, Israel) between 1996-97 andat INRA mycSA(Bordeaux, France) for 2 months in 2017.He is also a member of permanent committee  for the Organisation of the International Congress of Controlled Atmosphere and Fumigation(CAF). He served as section editor for the Journal of Agricultural Sciences(2017 to date) and Turkish Journal of Entomology (2015-2016). His research interests cover mainly stored product pests and their control by means of physical and chemical methods such ascontrolledatmospheres,fumigation, residual insecticide treatments, andinertdusts.He is also interested in insect and astigmatid mite taxonomy. He has currently authored/co-authored over 70 publications including journals, conference papers and a bookchapter.

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