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Mastoura Mohamed Edrees Abdou - Editor

Journal of Immunology

Editor Name: Mastoura Mohamed Edrees Abdou

Designation: Associate Professor

University: King Khalid University

Country: Egypt


Mastoura M. Edrees is an Associate Professor of organic Chemistry (H-Index: 9). she received her B.Sc. degree in Chemistry from Cairo University in 1996 and her M.Sc. degree in organic Chemistry in 2001 from Chemistry Department, Faculty of Science, Cairo University. She got the PhD. degree from Chemistry Department, Faculty of Science Cairo University in 2004. In 2007, she got a post doctor scholarship at Southampton University, United Kingdom. She is an associate professor at National Organization for Drug Control and Research (NODCAR), Egypt. She transfer to work as assistant professor in the Chemistry Department, Faculty of Science in King Khalid University KSA from 2010 until 2015, she has been chair of the Chemistry Department, Faculty of Science, from 2013 tile 2014; she is an associate professor from 2015 until now at king Khalid university. In 2017, She got the prize in the excellent teaching (first place) from King Khalid University. Dr Mastoura have many manuscripts in the field of organic chemistry. She has experience in investigating the biologically active organic compounds as anti-tumor, antiviral and antibacterial & she have some work on the organometallic, green chemistry and one-pot reactions

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