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Masamo Lekhuleni - Editor

Journal of Nursing

Editor Name: Masamo Lekhuleni

Designation: Professor

University: University of Limpopo

Country: South Africa


Masamo Lekhuleni Employed by the University of Limpopo, as professor in the Department of Nursing Science and as Acting Director of the School of Health Care Sciences.Qualifications:PhD, MA Cur,Registered Nurse, Registered Midwife, Nursing Education, Community Nursing Science and Nursing Administration. Served as Head of Department of Nursing Science for eleven years. Amember of the University Senate, served as member of the University Research Ethics Committee and Forum of University Nursing Deans in South Africa.Chairperson of the Faculty of Health Sciences Executive Team at the University of Limpopo.Supervisor andexternal assessor of PhD theses and Masters dissertations at various Universities in South Africa. Reviewer of articles for publication in national and international accredited journals. Published 47 articles,co-authored two chapters in books on nursing education and nursing practice. Presented papers at national and international conferences. Facilitated nursing education and HIV and AIDS workshops nationally. Served as a coordinator of Linneaus-Palmeteachers and students exchange programme with Blekinge Institute of Technology, Sweden (2009-2015). A member of the education and practice sub-group of the International Council of Nurses (2010 to date).

Research interests: Research interests are nursing education, nursing practice, HIV and AIDS


  • Publication Cycle →

    Quality Check
    Peer Review
    Editor's Decision