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Editor Name: Markus Porsche-Ludwig

Designation: Professor

University: National Dong Hwa University

Country: Taiwan

Biography: Markus Porsche-Ludwig is Professor of Political Science and Public Law in the Department of Public Administration and in the International Program for Asia-Pacific Area Studies at National Dong Hwa University in Hualien (Taiwan, RoC) since 2007. He is a political scientist and educated jurist. In 1995, he earned his PhD from the University of Giessen (Germany), in 2006 his Habilitation in Political Science from the University of Kassel (Germany). His wide research interests focus, inter alia, on norms, institutions, legitimacy, and fundamental and structural problems of political culture. He is the (co)author and (co)editor of around 100 books and numerous articles.

Publication Cycle →

Quality Check
Peer Review
Editor's Decision