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Mahmoud Ihab E Mahmoud - Editor

Journal of Clinical Research

Editor Name: Mahmoud Ihab E Mahmoud

Designation: Professor

University: Jazan University

Country: Saudi Arabia


Professional Experience:
Ocular Research
1 Measuring drug concentrations inside the different eye tissues.
2 Ocular drug delivery of therapeutic molecules to the eye.
3 Drug formulation into sustained release formula for anterior and posterior segments
4 Detection of protein expression in retinal tissue using Western Blot and Immuno - precipitation.
5 Developing models of retinopathy and choroidal
 neovascularization in different animals by laser and chemical agents.
6 Surgical skills, dissection, intraocular injection and flat mount retina in different animals models.
7 Clinical trial designing and monitor safety

Publication Cycle →

Quality Check
Peer Review
Editor's Decision