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Editor Name: Mahesh Kumar Mainali

Designation: H.O.D./Chief Research Scientist

University: Patanjali Research Foundation Trust

Country: India

Biography: Dr. Mahesh Kumar Mainali (Acharya (Dr.) Maheshananda Vidyalankar) obtained his Ph.D. in Yogic Science with a specialization in Yogic detoxification. He is a two time Gold Medalist, for his academic excellence in undergraduate and graduate level. He is relentlessly pursuing his lifetime purpose with vision and mission of globally re-establishing multifaceted dimensions of Rishi Tradition through various projects related to RIshiyoga, RIshicare and Rishi Culture, like “Every home a learning ground”, “Every village one Library” etc., programs like Yogkatha, Shuddhi Movement, Energy Management System (EMS), Holistic Health Management through RIshicare Awareness Program etc. and affiliation with different organizations, so that individuals from diverse disciplines can explore the eternal path (soul of Rishi tradition) i.e. Rishi Yoga/Spiritual Technology.

Publication Cycle →

Quality Check
Peer Review
Editor's Decision