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Editor Name: Maheedhar Kodali

Designation: Research Associate

University: Texas A&M University

Country: USA

Biography: I am currently working at the Institute for Regenerative Medicine, Texas A&M Health Science Center (TAMHSC) College of Medicine, College Station TX, as a Post-doctoral research associate. I have a Ph.D. in Cancer Biology. I have been doing postdoctoral research in the laboratory of Dr. Ashok K. Shetty (Professor and Director of Neuroscience at Institute of Regenerative Medicine, TAMHSC) since 2012. I have over 6 years of continuous research experience following my Ph.D. I have so far published 19 research articles in peer-reviewed international journals. Since 2012, I have been vigorously engaged in a series of investigations on aspects of Gulf War Illness, aging, traumatic brain injury, exercise and memory, and neural stem and neural precursor cell graft-mediated repair in animal models of epilepsy in Dr. Shetty’s laboratory.

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Maheedhar Kodali - Editor

Journal of Immunology

Editor Name: Maheedhar Kodali

Designation: Research Associate

University: Texas A&M Health Science Center

Country: USA


I am currently working at the Institute for Regenerative Medicine, Texas A&M Health Science Center (TAMHSC) College of Medicine, College Station TX, as a Post-doctoral research associate. I have a Ph.D. in Cancer Biology. I have been doing postdoctoral research in the laboratory of Dr. Ashok K. Shetty (Professor and Director of Neuroscience at Institute of Regenerative Medicine, TAMHSC) since 2012. I have over 6 years of continuous research experience following my Ph.D. I have so far published 19 research articles in peer-reviewed international journals. Since 2012, I have been vigorously engaged in a series of investigations on aspects of Gulf War Illness, aging, traumatic brain injury, exercise and memory, and neural stem and neural precursor cell graft-mediated repair in animal models of epilepsy in Dr. Shetty’s laboratory. 

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Editor's Decision