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Editor Name: M Reza Nofar

Designation: Assistant professor

University: Istanbul Technical University

Country: Turkey

Biography: Prof. M.Reza Nofar is currently an Assistant Professor at the Metallurgical and Materials Engineering Department at Istanbul Technical University. Between 2013-2015, he was a postdoctoral fellow at Polytechnique Montreal and McGill University. Meanwhile, he was a part-time faculty lecturer at the Department of Mechanical and Industrial Engineering at Concordia University. He received his PhD at University of Toronto in 2013 and his MSc at Concordia University in 2008 both in Mechanical Engineering. Between his masters and PhD (2008-2009), Prof. Nofar worked as a research engineerat Canada National Research Council - Industrial Materials Institute (CNRC-IMI). Prof. Nofar’s research interests could be listed as Polymer Processing, Biopolymers, Polymer Blends, Polymer (Nano)composites, Micro/Nanofibrillated Polymeric Systems,and Cellular and Micro/Nanocellular Polymeric Foams. So far, Rezahas been the recipient of several international, national and institutional scholarships and awards. He has contributed his research output as 1 authored book, 2 book chapters, 3 patents, 30 refereed high-impact journal articles, over 60 refereed conference papersand over 40 industrial workshops/reports/presentations.

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