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Editor Name: Luis Enrique Ibarra-Morales

Designation: Professor

University: State University of Sonora (UES)

Country: Mexico


Full-Time Research Professor assigned to career management at the State University of Sonora. Ph.D. in administration by the UANL and masters in management by the UNISON. Graduated from International Program in Innovation and Sustainability in Sonora. Presented by the Center for Climate, Health, and the Global Environment at the Harvard T.H. Chan School of Public Health.
Author of several research papers and book chapters, as well as research projects in the area of internationalization of companies, aerospace industry, fisheries (crab), quality of service through the application of methodologies such as the Servqual, Servperf, DINESERV, Servqhos and others. Thesis Director. Currently working on multidisciplinary research networks with other national and international universities in impact projects in the aerospace, automotive, industry and manufacturing, in particular, the export performance of companies. Also, working on Social Responsibility University in Latin American students at three universities: State University of Sonora in Mexico; UNINORTE in Barranquilla, Colombia and Universidad César Vallejo in Peru.

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Quality Check
Peer Review
Editor's Decision