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Editor Name: Lucia Bigozzi

Designation: Professor

University: Italian Universities

Country: Italy


Research Interests: Processes and instruments for school integration of pupils with disabilities
Development of intelligence and concepts.
Development of metacognition and theories of mind.
Communicative and linguistic development.
Development of first literacy processes.
Representation and comprehension of the text.
Inferential processes and narrative structure.
Teaching-learning processes with particular interest for studies aimed at empirically testing the effectiveness of educational and teaching methods
Specific learning disabilities with a particular interest in the identification of the predictors of developmental dyslexia, the explanatory factors of the specific disorder of learning spelling, the relationship between lexical competence and reading comprehension
ADHD with particular interest for psychodiagnostic aspects, for the efficacy and temporal aspect of the psychotherapeutic intervention, for school integration strategies.
Disorders of the Spectrum of Autism, with a particular interest in the diagnostic aspects and the
different psychotherapeutic approaches.

Publication Cycle →

Quality Check
Peer Review
Editor's Decision