Liliana I.Duarte is a young research scientist at EMPA to investigate new Ge-brazing filler alloys for Ti and Ni-aluminides. During almost four years, she was hired as research scientist at ABB Corporate-Research, Baden-Dättwil where the main investigation on soldering, brazing and new joining techniques to power electronics industry was the main focus of her research. Since 2017, she joined the Laboratory for Nuclear Materials, as a Research Scientist,Paul Scherrer Institute, in Switzerland. Her current technical focus is on the implications of hydrogen in Zirconium cladding materials, setting limits and developing methodologies for detecting the hydrogen in materials.
Currently, she is also external lectureat the Materials Department from ETH bygiving a yearly course about “Advanced Joining Technologies”.
Research interest
• Diffusion bonding of high performance alloys
• Phase diagrams of intermetallic phases
• Interfaces and diffusion
• Hydrogen embrittlement
• Creep and Fatigue of Zr alloys