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Editor Name: Lidong Zhao

Designation: Associate Professor

University: Chinese PLA General Hospital

Country: China


Education and Research Experience:
1. 1990.09-1995.07: Studied in Tianjin Medical University, Department of Clinical Medicine, Bachelor's degree of Medicine; 
2. 1995.07-1999.08: Worked as a Resident doctor in the Department of Otolaryngology in the third hospital affiliated to the Tianjin Medical University.
3. 1999.09-2005.07: Worked in PLA Medical Postgraduate School, got Master’s and Doctor’s degree of Medicine.  
4. 2005.11-2008.10: post doctor in the State Key Lab of Biomembrane and      Membrane Biotechique, Institute of Zoology, Chinese Academy of Science. 

Publication Cycle →

Quality Check
Peer Review
Editor's Decision