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Khaldun MohammadMitlaq Al Azzam - Editor

Journal of Pharmaceutical Research

Editor Name: Khaldun MohammadMitlaq Al Azzam

Designation: Assistant Professor

University: Al-Ghad International College for Applied Medical Sciences

Country: Saudi Arabia


Research Interests:
•Analytical applications, separation of chiral compounds. In the context of analytical separations, “green”refers to approaches that result in one or combination of the following: (i) minimization of use of solvents,(ii) faster analytical separations and analysis time, and (iii) simpler procedures such as elimination of derivatization reagents.
•Another area of interest is the use of capillary electrophoresis, particularly in the separation of chiralmolecules and the bioavailability of racemic or chiral drugs in biological fluids samples.
•Microextraction techniques.
•Developing new microextraction approaches and eco-environmental friendly methods using analytical green chemistry concepts.
•Chromatographic separation techniques for analysis of different types of samples.
•Protein Separation (new area)

Publication Cycle →

Quality Check
Peer Review
Editor's Decision