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Editor Name: Karyn Jones

Designation: Associate Professor

University: The University of Georgia

Country: Europe

Biography: Dr. Jones has been a faculty member at Clemson University since 2002. Prior to joining the Public Health Sciences department in 2016, she was Associate Professor in Communication Studies, where she also served as interim department chair/department chair from 2011-2015. From 1994-1999, she worked as the communications consultant for the Georgia Department of Public Health, Cancer Control Section, advising local and state program staff and partners on communication strategies, research, and program administration in their breast and cervical cancer, skin cancer, tobacco use prevention, and women’s health programs. During this time she also served as the Georgia DPH representative on the Georgia Coalition on Donation and worked closely with representatives from agencies such as the CDC, American Cancer Society, Governor’s Office, Georgia Hospital Association, Georgia Cancer Coalition, and Susan G. Komen Foundation to coordinate statewide education, recruitment, and screening efforts. She has three children, one of whom has Prader-Willi Syndrome, a rare, randomly-occurring genetic spectrum disorder, and the resulting experiences provide context and inspiration for much of her work. Externally Funded Research Activity: “Using Patient Characteristics to Design Tailored Motivational Interviewing (MI) Approaches for Counseling Patients with Uncontrolled Hypertension: An Intervention Design and Feasibility Study.” (2019-2020). Principal Investigator (M. Jindal, Co-PI). Private donor. Amount: $10,751. "Mindfulness Interventions to Address Depression, Substance Misuse, and Physical Inactivity." (2018-2022). Co-Principal Investigator (L. Shi, PI). Greenville Health Authority. Amount: $558,972. "Improving Patient Communication for the 21st Century: Revising the Patient Needs Assessment Protocol." (2017). Co-Principal Investigator (R.R. Sinclair, PI). Private donor. Amount: $19,938. "Enhancing mHealth Technology in the PCMH Environment to Activate Chronic Care Patients." (2016-2018). Co-Investigator/Collaborator (R. Gimbel, PI). Department of Defense.

Publication Cycle →

Quality Check
Peer Review
Editor's Decision