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Editor Name: Kartz E. Bibb

Designation: Associate Professor

University: Alabama State University

Country: USA

Biography: Dr. Kartz E. Bibb is an Associate Professor of Biology in the Department of Biological Sciences, who teaches General Biology courses at Alabama State University.   Dr. Bibb’s research interests include:  Molecular Parasitology, Cellular and Molecular Biology, Cellular and Molecular Immunology, and Cell and Molecular Biology of Trypanosoma cruzi host cell receptors and signal transduction events induced by T. cruzi in infection of host cells.  Other research interests include:  Youth Risk Behaviors, and Integrating Innovative Teaching Strategies in Biological Sciences.  Dr. Bibb has been on the ASU faculty for 16 years.  Dr. Bibb is currently serving on various University, College and Departmental committees. 

Publication Cycle →

Quality Check
Peer Review
Editor's Decision