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Editor Name: Kajo Bucan

Designation: Professor

University: University of Split

Country: Croatia


Lecturer at split polytechnic 2002-2003; lectures with the students of the school of medicine in split since 2003; lecturer at the department of nursing studies at the school of medicine in split since 2004; member of Croatian parliament 2003-2007; President of the city council of the city of Solin (1997-2013), prize man of the town of Solin for 2013. Member (since 1993.-...) and President of the Croatian Catholic Medical Society Branch office Split (1996-2002); Chairman department of Ophthalmology Clinical Hospital Centre Split (July 2014….), President of Retinal section of Croatian Ophthalmological Society (2017.-) Court Expert in Ophthalmology from 1999 to 2007 at the County Court in Split.

Research Interest: Working with Lasers in Ophthalmology, Surgical Ultrasound in Eye Microsurgery

Publication Cycle →

Quality Check
Peer Review
Editor's Decision