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Joseph Gilbert Prud’homme - Editor

Journal of Behavioral & Social Sciences

Editor Name: Joseph Gilbert Prud’homme

Designation: Associate Professor

University: Washington College

Country: USA


Joseph Prud’homme is the Burton Family Chair in Religion, Politics and Culture and Associate Professor of Political Science and the Director of the Institute for the Study of Religion, Politics, and Culture at Washington College. He received his doctorate from Princeton University, where he studied in the Interdepartmental Program in Political Philosophy, with additional specialization in legal and constitutional thought. He was awarded a Fellowship at Harvard University, where he studied at the Harvard Law School and served as a member of the Faculty of Arts and Sciences.
Professor Prud’homme works in the areas of political philosophy, legal theory, intellectual history, and conceptual and historical approaches to the study of religion and political and cultural affairs. He has published numerous works in these fields, including the books, Religion and Politics in America from the Colonial Period to the Civil War, Curriculum and the Culture Wars: Debating the Bibles Place in Public Schools, and the forthcoming book State Religious Education and the State of Religious Life. 
He regularly teaches the department’s introductory course in political theory; upper level courses in political thought; upper level courses in constitutional law and legal philosophy; and a freshman seminar (GRW) that explores fundamental questions surrounding theology and political and cultural life.

Publication Cycle →

Quality Check
Peer Review
Editor's Decision