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Joaquin Darío Tutor-Sánchez - Editor

Journal of Nanotechnology & Nanoscience

Editor Name: Joaquin Darío Tutor-Sánchez

Designation: Professor

University: Universidad Pontificia Comillas.

Country: Spain


Joaquin Darío Tutor-Sánchez is a Professor at Universidad Pontificia Comillas, Spain.

Research Interests:
Nanoscience and Nanotechnology. Modeling and calculation of electronic, optical and transport properties of nanosctructured semiconducting materials; growth of graphene and carbon nanotubes by CVD technique; study of the wearing and erosion of polymeric matrices nanocomposites coatings; fabrication of flexible conductors for energy applications; technique of spectrophotometry UV-Visible for characterization of nanomateriales aqueous dispersions; technique of FTIR for study of polymeric matrices nanocomposites compositions. Dissemination and Training in Nanotechnology. Specialist on Thermal Chain Technology.

Publication Cycle →

Quality Check
Peer Review
Editor's Decision