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Editor Name: Joao Paulo Nobre

Designation: Associate Professor 

University: University of the Witwatersrand

Country: South Africa

Biography: JP Nobre began his research career at ISMCM (SupMeca), France, under the supervision of the former Professor Rene Gras, in the field of Contact Mechanics and Tribology. In 1996, he concluded his MSc thesis in Mechanical Engineering Sciences, by the University of Coimbra. Subsequently, he decided to open a new research area, related to residual stress measurements techniques, especially the incremental hole-drilling technique (IHD), to complement the advanced analysis already carried out using X-ray diffraction (XRD) in his lab. After the training and research performed at Institute of Materials Engineering (IfW) of the Kassel University, Germany, under the supervision of Professor Berthold Scholtes, in 2001, he finished his PhD, winning a tenure position at University of Coimbra, in 2007, as Assistant Professor of Mechanical Engineering Design. During his career he has received more than ten grants in different countries, such as France, Germany, South Africa and Portugal. In 2006 he worked as invited Professor at ENSAM (ParisTech), Angers, France. In 2014 he also worked as invited Professor at the center of Cluny of this prestigious French school of engineering. In 2010, during a sabbatical year, he worked as invited researcher in the Institute of Materials Engineering (IfW) of the Kassel University, Germany.

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Editor's Decision