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Editor Name: Jin Seop Bak

Designation: Professor

University: Kyonggi University

Country: South Korea

Biography: Jin Seop Bak is a Professor at Kyonggi University, South Korea.

Jin Seop Bak has a college-degree in Yonsei Univ., a MS/PhD in Korea Univ. with top-honors, and LittD/ScD/PhD in IBC (in Cambridge). He is/was in Faculty of Kyonggi Univ. and KAIST (as Project-Leader). He was appointed to the post of Secretary-General/Professor/Director General (for Asia)/Adviser in IBC. He worked as a researcher/scholar/judge especially in UC Berkeley (conditionally), Seoul National Univ. and MIT (conditionally). In Korea Univ., Prof. Bak played a key role in teaching Physical Chemistry. He is a leading member of many academies and nonprofit/profit organizations (e.g., Mensa). His main area of investigation is Life/Natural/Applied Sciences. He has achieved many publications, 2 patents, 14 grants. He is a reviewer of more than 100 journals, and member of 45 editorial boards. He has been cited especially in Marquis Who's Who and IBC.
Research interests
He believe that his experiences make both the ideal researcher and global leader for performing advanced high throughput technological studies. Until now, he was generally explored almost every possible academic endeavor, including Biological Sciences, Food Sciences, Natural Sciences, and Applied Sciences

Publication Cycle →

Quality Check
Peer Review
Editor's Decision