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Jamaluddin Shaikh - Editor

Journal of Nursing

Editor Name: Jamaluddin Shaikh

Designation: Associate Professor

University: University of Nizwa

Country: Sultanate of Oman


Dr. Jamaluddin Shaikh has received his B. Sc. in Chemistry, M. Sc. and Ph. D. in Biochemistry from University of Calcutta, Calcutta, India. In 2004, he moved to US and joined to Professor Carey Pope’s Neurotoxicology Laboratory at Oklahoma State University as a Postdoctoral Research Fellow. After completion of two years, he joined to Professor Rae Matsumoto’s Neuropharmacology Laboratory at School of Pharmacy, Oklahoma University Health Sciences Center as a Research Associate. At the same year he moved with Professor Matsumoto to the School of Pharmacy, University of Mississippi and promoted to Research Scientist (2004-2008). Subsequently, he moved to the School of Pharmacy, West Virginia University Health Sciences Center (2008-2010) with Professor Matsumoto. During his research he authored many research articles and book chapters. He is serving as an editorial member of several journals. Currently, he is working as an Associate Professor at the School of Pharmacy, College of Pharmacy and Nursing, University of Nizwa, Sultanate of Oman.

Research Interest: Neuropharmacology, Biochemical Pharmacology, Drug Development, Toxicology, Neurotoxicology, and drug of abuse

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Quality Check
Peer Review
Editor's Decision