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Editor Name: Ishtiaq Qadri

Designation: Professor

University: King Abdul Aziz University

Country: Saudi Arabia

Biography: Dr. IshtiaqQadri  is a Professor at the King Abdul Aziz University, Jeddah, Saudi Arabia where his research is focused on the broad areas of viral hepatitis and associated hepatocarcinoma. He has also been enthusiastically involved in the study of liver adaptive responses, specific gene expression and regulation during insulin resistance, hepatic steatosis, type -2 diabetes in the context of viral infection.  He is heading a group of energetic and vibrant scientists from multidisciplinary background under Medical Biotechnology/Translational Research group to cover many areas of investigation for the ultimate control of viral induced diseases, antiviral and vaccine.  The in vitro cell based, -animal models and cancer stems cells are employed to conduct research and produce pharmaceutical and diagnostic products for prevention of human diseases is the primary goal of this group.

Publication Cycle →

Quality Check
Peer Review
Editor's Decision