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Editor Name: Hui-Fen Wu

Designation: Distinguished professor

University: National Sun Yat-Sen University

Country: Taiwan


Dr Hui-Fen Wu is a distinguished professor at National Sun Yat-Sen University (Kaohsiung, Taiwan). She obtained PhD degree from University of Texas at Austin, USA in1994; followed by postdoctoral work at University of California at Berkeley (1994-1996), she joined Tamkang University (Tamsui, Taiwan) as an Associate Professor (1996-2001) and professor (2001 – 2006). In 2006, she joined Chemistry Department of National Sun Yat-Sen University as a senior Professor.

Research interests:focused on applications of nanomaterials for biomedicine including drug delivery and photo-thermal treatment of cancer and neuro diseases. She also has interests on the development of biosensors. 

Publication Cycle →

Quality Check
Peer Review
Editor's Decision