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Huda Esmail Khalid Esmail Al-jumaily - Editor

Journal of Cosmology, Astronomy and Astrophysics

Editor Name: Huda Esmail Khalid Esmail Al-jumaily

Designation: Associate Professor

University: Telafer University

Country: Iraq

Biography: Huda Esmail Khalid Esmail Al-jumaily is a Associate Professor at Mathematical Department, Faculty of Basic Education, Telafer University, Iraq.

Research Interests: Mathematics (Optimization / Geometric Programming (GP))
Areas of Specialization: Neutrosophic Logic (see the appendix of reference articles in Neutrosophic GP , fuzzy Relation Equations , Fuzzy geometric Programming , General Geometric programming , Neutrosophic Geometric programming , Applied of Geometric programming, Application of Mathematics in Space Sciences, Geometry and Topology, Mathematical Physics.

Publication Cycle →

Quality Check
Peer Review
Editor's Decision